
Strong Wolf Revamp

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | Norvège

pas de recrutement en cours

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We are strong
We are not afraid
an org who’s here to dominate the big stage
Go all in or nothing at all... - We choose the first!

Experiences online

  • Decent level

Experiences offline

  • Decent level


Strong Wolf Revamp is an international European E-Sport organization that will expand in different team games, such as e.g. Apex Legends, CS:GO, Rocket League, and Valorant.
We are at the beginning of the build-up of the organization itself, but we have a goal to get it started soon with great goals and ambitions.
For the CS:GO team (which is the prior team we're recruiting atm). we're primarily looking for players around Europe, and can be any gender.

What we can offer
Upcoming sponsors
Dedicated Coach with a diploma in coaching CS:GO.
Motivated players and teammates.
Demo analyzing
Staff who’s here to be your second family
Non-toxic environment

We hope you're interested. Please join our discord server and check out #applications


  • 18+ y/o
  • Level 5+ Faceit (if you’ve been on these levels but deranked because of solo queues it can be discussed)
  • Stability
  • Motivated attitude
  • EU-based address to have the best pings. - English speaking server and team.
  • Non-toxic
  • Basic game sense
  • The ability to work with teammates and take constructive criticism.


  • non spécifié(s)

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