
Team Fortified

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | États-Unis

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Trying to play in low level faceit and other tournaments. Are not ready yet but want to find a couple solid people to join and help us get there. We would be completely new to this style of competitive gameplay. We are solid players in premier and faceit.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


We are a couple of guys climbing the ranks and wanting to try to get a real team started and play some low level tournaments. Take things light hearted when playing outside serious matches. Be actively learning how the game works and trying to get better everyday. Right now our team is around 8-10k and around level 4 faceit. If you are interested in playing with us in low level tournaments then dm, or if you just want people to play with in premier then you can also dm. Thanks for being interested and have some fun.


  • NA preferably
  • Willing to learn game and get better
  • Goof off every once in a while


  • non spécifié(s)

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