

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | Suède

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**Hello! We are a serious Team that is aiming for future Tournaments on ESEA, FaceIT, Alphadraft, etc. and to become pro**

*Our team has high goals for the future with hopes to become professionals at the game. Our team has had roster changes and therefore we are looking for new members to join us in battle.*

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


- Good internet connection (doesn't disconnect and has decent ping to all European servers (~<60))

- Resides in North or Central Europe

- Must be 18+ years old, speak English.

- Be able to attend Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

- Hours in CS:GO must range from 1000+ hours

- Have a Faceit set up and ready to go. ESEA is also a big plus! To join the team you must be able to purchase Faceit premium or anything related in that area.

**These requirements MUST be met or you will be rejected**

**I also might reject your application by simply looking at your steam profile if it is private, so don't be surprised, I will be very harsh in selection**

We have a TS server, CS:GO server that we host ourselves, and FaceIT teams set up, a proper schedule, trained individuals with a great passion towards the game and a lot of experience to back it up.

One thing I want to make clear is that we only want people who want to learn and really wants to play, we have already kicked 7 people out from the team due to them not being able to stay focused and serious, and we don't want anymore clowns in our team. Of course you can pop a joke here and there and what not, as we are playing this for fun. But remember, we do not seek in jokes and amusement, we seek glory in winning and progress progress. And last but not least, this should go without saying, you must have a **dedicated passion** towards the game. You must play with a serious attitude and a will to become better and perform well and comfortably alongside your **** do that, we'll all be happy and we gladly welcome you into our team.

**So if you think you've got what it takes and are looking for a serious group then we're the Team for you! No guts no glory right?**

Seyyoshi: ****

That's it from me, hope to see you soon.

**Current ROSTER:**

- Entry Fragger - Pablo
- Main AWP - R0cky
- 2nd Support/IGL - Muzaik
- Support - Seyyoshi
- Lurker - OPEN SPOT


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