

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | Pays-Bas

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Hello, me and my friend are making a CS:GO team, because we always q with 3 random people we don't know and end up losing because the communicating is just really bad. So that's why we wanna make a CS:GO team. We are both from the Netherlands but we can speak English.


About me: My name is Niek, i'm 14 years old, i am from the Netherlands and i can speak English, i am GN4 and i have 1k hours.


We are looking for GN3/MG1 players who can speak English, it doesn't matter what country you are from since we talk English to each other anyways. You must have teamspeak and you must have a microphone. You need to be active and you need to be serious about the game.


How can i join?
Comment like this, example:
/Age: 14
/Country: Netherlands
/Rank: GN4
/Experience: I've been playing for 1 year, i got 230 wins etc.
/Are you active: Yes, i play like 4 hours per day.


After you did this add me on steam and comment on my profile that you came from reddit

Profile of my friend if you wanna know, (you dont need to add him): ****


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