

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | Australie

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Ninety9 is a strong upcoming team with a wide range of rank difference, we have DMG all the way down to GN, looking for a strong MG2/MGE+ to fit in well with the other MGs and provide a good chemistry, currently have a DMG, MGE, MG2 and GN1. Need a good Eco player when needed and a decent long/mid range rifler (no spray and prays).

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


9T9 is looking for a strong player, if you think you match this position and are interested in joining, email your details and a bit about yourself to (****), we will reply to you even if you are not accepted, FaceIt will need to be used for competitions etc. if you are not familiar with FaceIt a bit of knowledge would be nice (just visit the website). We may trial you for the team by playing a few games/spectating just to make sure you will be suitable and fit in to the 9T9 environment well. Preferably older than 17


  • We are looking for a reliable MGE+ to be a strong part in our AUS team, this player will be expected to sit around the 2nd/3rd position in our team, preferably a strong Eco round player and rifle, know some smokes, have a decent mic and headset.


  • non spécifié(s)

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