

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | Canada

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Why The [Angels of Death Community]? • [AoD] is a long standing clan within fps. We have built a quality community that has survived and thrived through the good times and bad times that fps has given us. • [AoD] has been thriving with a strong Gaming Community, and our dedication for better Gameplay and our gaming community has been our obligation from the beginning. • The [AoD] Community values team-play and strongly encourages our members to play together, in order to communicate effectively. • We, as a community, are interested in players, There are no time requirements for being a part of our community clan. We our a community and we work together and play together to just enjoy the game and have fun! all of our members will be treated equally regardless. Life can be hard but take a deep breath and turn your gaming device on PC or Console this is an escape away from reality. What [AoD] expects from you: • As a member, you will understand the [AoD] Community rules, attempt to actively participate in (or at least lurk on) our community website, uphold our standards in ability, competence and conduct. • Members should be able to follow commands, perform to their potential, respect teammates and enjoy playing. What you can expect from [AoD]: Access to our forums, Teamspeak/Discord server and our community. Sound leadership, with proven records and a drama free environment. The chance to become an officer or to call battles as we're always looking for our members to step up. Requirements to join the [AoD] Community Be active on our server's and our community forums and play fair with one and all players and member's we welcome everyone our community is like a family.


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  • End of reality - Eoreality.net

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