
Timor Esports

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | États-Unis

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We drive to be one of the most prominent gaming organizations on the East Coast. We drive to be the star organization representing the Northeast United States

Experiences online

  • Have experience in online games or events

Experiences offline

  • LAN experience is a plus, but not required


Timor Esports is currently building a CSGO team for the Boston area! We are accepting all applicants, and there will be a tryout period to see what teams work best with each other! Any skill level is acceptable to apply, you just need to be able to travel to the outter Boston area at a minimum of once a week once the team is in grind mode. If you have any questions or are interested please reach out to me and I will give you information! Look forward to working with you all!


  • Available to travel frequently to our outter Boston lan practice facility and office
  • Ability to work together in a team


  • Sponsors are shown on our website

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