
Omega Asteri Esports CS:GO

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | États-Unis

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Omega Asteri Esports CS:GO logo
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This is the CS:GO team for Omega Asteri Esports.

Established 1/5/2020

Omega Asteri Esports is an organization that strives to go to the top. We currently have a team for CS GO. In the future, we plan on branching out to other games and expand our organization. Positions we are currently looking for are Flanker/Lurker, rifler, support, and entry Fragger. We will also be playing competitive PUGs and eventually leagues. Before we consider trying out candidates for 2 weeks we will be giving interviews. To schedule an interview, submit an application after that we will contact you and ask when you would be available for an interview.


  • 1. Have a working mic
  • 2. Speak English
  • 3. Minimum age of 16 Maximum is 21
  • 4. Optional Requirements: Live in the following states/state regions in the U.S: South Eastern parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Washington DC
  • 5. Optional Requirements: A Source of Income, Twitch Streamer, Video Producer, Video Editor, and GFX Designer


  • non spécifié(s)

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