
Avilus Esports

Counter-Strike 2 | PC | États-Unis

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Avilus is a roman word meaning, ''a family of unknowns'', and that is exactly what we are. We are a team of 5 men from around the country, all with the same passion. Team Avilus would like to join some online tournaments and work our way to the top. We are going to be the team that the entire CS:GO community fears.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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We are looking for 4 highly qualified AMERICAN players to join our team. We need selfless players that in and outside of the game care more about others than themselves. I will list the requirements below:

-Must be 13 years of age or older (we welcome young players) -Must have a minimum of 225 hours of gameplay (idol sitting time not allowed)
-Must be willing to join our team group, make that your main group, and even (possibly) change your steam name, if need be.
-Must be selfless, not selfish
-Must be Gold Nova 1 or Higher and/or Elite Master Guardian or lower.
-Must Must be able to play csgo a minimum of 8 hours a week
You will be required to practice weekly and remain present at study sessions with the team, we are flexible, but we keep the right to relieve you from the team at any time for any reason.

HOW TO JOIN: First Send Me an Email! @
**** with your steam name, csgo rank, hours played, any other info you think that we need to know, and why you should be apart of our team.

Let me clarify this team (as of now) is for fun only, BUT we take csgo very seriously and want to win. I wish you luck and hope to hear from you soon.

MY INFO: Email: **** Steam: ****


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