

Counter Strike : Source | PC | États-Unis

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To provide a home at home!

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7th Cavalry Gaming is recruiting! We have about 20+ CS:GO players right now and have a wide range of skill level ranging from silver all the way to LEM. When you join us you will be assigned to a 5 man squad and will be required to attend one 1-hour practice per week. Currently we have rosters consisting of players from both NA and EU!

We have a lot of fun and a lot of opportunity here at 7th Cavalry. You can just join and play casually with friends, or for the more serious players we have opportunities to play in leagues and/or fill leadership positions.

We have a Teamspeak server that is open to the public. Feel free to hop into our CS:GO channel and play with some of our guys. IP: TS3.7thCavalry.us:9987
Password: 7thCavalry

Let them know ****.M sent you!

Check us out! I think you will find that we have a lot more to offer than your average makeshift team. We have leadership, organization, and structure! So come find a team that is catered to your particular skill-level and ambition, and enjoy being part of our great community!


  • 18 Years Of Age


  • non spécifié(s)

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