
ZORN eSports

Counter Strike : Source | PC | États-Unis

pas de recrutement en cours

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ZORN eSports logo
non premium


offre de recrutement
Pas d'évaluations


Winning Comps & LANs

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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ZORN eSports Is A Community Of Pro Players

We are currently recruiting new members. There are very little requirements to join ZORN. We only require that you are mature, willing to attend a practice once a week, can work in a team.

We Are NA based we do not mind what rank or skill you have, as long as you are mature and willing to understand that being a good player is secondary to building a relationship with your team.

Join Our Steam Group If You Are Interested

*Practice times are as follows for people wanting serious spots on our eSport team casual players are welcome and do not have to attend the practice (must be able to attend at least once a week)*
North America (NA)- Saturdays & Sundays (Sometimes Weekdays) at 9:00pm EST

If you have any questions or comments feel free to message SavyGG on steam or **** on ****


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Aucune offre de recrutement active

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Cette équipe n'est actuellement plus en recherche active de joueurs.
Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

reçues de la communauté