
Team Alpha Guardians

Destiny 2 | PC | États-Unis

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To lead Destiny 2 to the next level of gaming
To enjoy playing with/against other teams
To become a family in the world of gaming
To offer constructive feedback to Bungie about their PVP and other aspects of their game(s)

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


As TAG - Team Alpha Guardians, we are a brand new organization coming to the United States for Destiny 2 PVP! We want as many people as we can get into this org, so we can make it better and brighter for our future.
Our mission for TAG is to promote positivity in the gaming comunity and to include all humans into this org, black lives, women, LGBQT+, and more. We want this org to be your family away from your family.

As a member of TAG - Destiny 2, you will be a part of:
Destiny 2 PVP Tourneys
PVP Podcasts relating to the gameplay/development
Fun community that supports everyone
Discord chats/meetings
And much more!

TAG is looking for YOU to be a part of this team. Come along on this new ride with us, and be a family member of TAG.


  • If streaming, must have TAG in their bio. i.e. TAG [twitch name]
  • Being available to participate in events or help out when available
  • Willing to help new members throughout Destiny (if interested)
  • We are role models to the community. Let's act like it!
  • That is it at this time.


  • non spécifié(s)

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