
Dream Team

DOTA 2 | PC | Belgique

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Win the TI multiple times and become on of the most iconic teams in the world.

Experiences online

  • Dota 2
  • Counter Strike
  • Heartstone

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


The inspiration for the creation of the team derived from our coach. Since Warcraft 3 he was involved in the gaming industry as a player and an enthusiast. His account in Dota 2 is "бывший профи".

We are now in the position of creating a Dota 2 professional team with the goal of being a participant of the TI within the next 3 years. We are a dedicated team of ex professional athletes and we know what it takes to become a champion in any sport. Our team will depict the professionalism that we will approach the whole process. We have a long term strategic and financial plan and we are very open to share it with any interested player.

Our purpose right now is to create a team with young players above the level of 5500 MMR and work with them towards the top. As we are at the beginning of this journey we are open to new ideas and we will consider our players as part of the family and not just players of our team.

What we are expecting for a player:
1) High level of focus and dedication - It takes effort, sacrifices and hard work to become a champion and we want someone that wants to become a champion as much as we do.
2) Team Player - Every player may bring something different with his style and personality. Our members will never put themselves above the team as the only path of winning is by being a TEAM.
3) Sharing our values and purpose - We are here to WIN and we are having FUN when we do so.


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