
Narcissistic Influx

DOTA 2 | PC | Royaume-Uni

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Our ambitions are as follows.
1: Improve to be able to work together as a team or unit
2: Play at a higher competitive level
3: Compete in competitions of renown
4: Enjoy each others company
5: And most of all having fun

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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I have been a player who was been part of quite a number of teams always Playing the support role and most often than not the teams I have been apart have fallen apart of just didn't work out due to people getting too angry and each other.

The team I want to make will be a very well gelled team so for that the players must be easy going as to avoid arguments as if any do happen there won't be a place on the team for you.

The Requirements:
1: TeamSpeak3 and a Mic is a must

2: Age is preferred to be above 18 however if younger than that message me and we can see what can be done

3: Daily practice from 18:00-20:00 <--- this is as a minimum however depending on when the time is best for the whole team is flexible.

4: As far as MMR goes its not the best indicator of how good a player is because it doesn't look at facts like the team you are with or the team you are against so don't worry about this but as a good mark over 2.5k is normally good.

Contact details -
Steam: ****
Email: ****


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