
Team Dynamics

DOTA 2 | PC | Canada

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Build a strong team and gain tournament experience.

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I'm currently in the process of forming a team based in NA, both US West and East works for us. We'll be playing /practicing /watching replays as a team for 2,3 nights a week, so being generally available is important.

I play position 5 , so I'm searching for players to fill roles 1-4

While MMR is important, preferably over 3.4k at the very least, however I know that it's possible to be a good player at a lower mmr due to numerous reasons with match making.

Therefore, the main qualities I'm looking for in a player are:

- Being able to know your mistakes and accept criticism from team mates, as well as provide constructive input.
- The ability to listen to your team in-game instead of being stubborn and YOLOing.
- Having a general solid pool of heroes you can play well with.
- Being able to control your emotions appropriately so that you don't tilt during matches.
- Sustain a healthy team dynamic and be a team player.


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