

DOTA 2 | PC | Royaume-Uni

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Looking to spend November and December practicing as a team in a chilled environment to get to know each other. See how we work as a team and practice. Looking to push for serious progression and hopefully
Look at monthly tournaments in the future.

Experiences online

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Hey, I've played dota for a year now since quitting my journey with world of Warcraft. In Warcraft I played a holy paladin and restoration Druid in a few world <60 guilds including Whatever , Epoch and a few others.
In my dota journey I've mainly played unranked as I ( as the same in Warcraft if a healer in Warcraft would count as a pos 4-5) play position 4/5 support and trying to climb with carries that have 0 clue in 2k MMr is stressful and tedious.
However I have a lot of time this year due to irl reasons and am looking to create a serious dota team.
As long as you can play on EU servers and don't tilt and strive to work and practice as a team it'd be great to have you.
Please either message me or leave a comment here on what position you play , your 5 best heroes and when you can play.
Also as a a side not, if our team ever got as far as I did in Warcraft I have a London designer who would sponsor our team ( pay for equipment/ travel to any competitions/ make our jackets - obviously this is far far away but just a little bonus for anyone looking for a serious opportunity )


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