

Fortnite | PC | États-Unis

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The hope is that we at Ezaptron can create a platform of interconnected communities and groups in gaming including esports and streaming. We are trying to create a team for all the major games such as Fortnite, Valorant, and others. This going to start with you, help Ezaptron grow, and we will rise to the top.

Experiences online

  • We are a brand new team but have gotten advice from people who have managed teams before.

Experiences offline

  • We are a brand new team but have gotten advice from people who have managed teams before.


We at Ezaptron are beginning to create a competitive team and would like to recruit some members to get off the ground. We will have a PC (this one) and console team so that we can compete in as many tournaments as possible. When possible we would like to get in a discord call with you and go over your qualifications. We are looking for players who are determined to win and are willing to make the commitment to the team.


  • At least 6k arena points but there may be some leeway there.
  • Even if you are not the most skilled at your mmr level, we would still like to interview you.


  • https://www.drinkwraith.com/
  • https://fatalgrips.com/

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