
WaVe Team

Fortnite | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Welcome to the WaVe Team!
The WaVe Team will hopefully be an official gaming organization in the future, but for now we're just a team of gamers who love to have a good time. We've got a lot of big plans coming in the future. Each member plays a variety of games and we all share our platforms with each other. The WaVe Team is a place where all the gamers are friends and can vibe and have a good time while being able to play games. We love interacting with our fans and we are all about community and teamwork here. We aren't too big yet, but the ideal goal is to meet each other in real life as a big get together, and buy a content creator house where we can all stay and grow the team. We are currently looking for more members that fit the team's aesthetic. We look forward to meeting everyone, thank you so much!


  • 14-26yo
  • Play multiple games (fortnite, valorant, apex, etc.)
  • solid gaming setup (to avoid any lags, etc.)
  • must have at least one social media (insta, twitch, youtube, etc.)


  • non spécifié(s)

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