
EndZone's Finest

Fortnite | PC | Canada

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EndZone's Finest deepest ambitions are to succeed in the ever expanding world of competitive gaming, and to be a top competitor in the Esports industry.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


EndZone's Finest LLC is an innovative and unique organization aimed at displaying the quality and professionalism of our players, we establish close bonds with our members and do our absolute best to take care of them. EndZone's Finest was a directive first conceived in late 2018, shortly after the rise of Fortnite Esports. Now, newly established in 2021, we feel we are ready to expand into the ever-growing Esports world. Directed by 2 time FNCS Semi-Finalist Synxpsis, We're sure that we will reach the top of the line and meet excellence as well as set records in the Esports industry.


  • Players MUST be 18 years or older (13 with PARENTAL CONSENT.)
  • Players MUST meet a content quota in order to be featured in Organization facilitated Content (i.e Teamtages, Player Introductions, General Content.)
  • Players MUST have at least 5,000 arena points in the current season, and must show proof of consistent gameplay (via. Fortnite Tracker.)
  • Players MUST be indulged in Team Activity. (including meetings, content, and other activities.)
  • Players who CONSISTENTLY place in Tournaments such as Cash Cups, FNCS, DreamHack, will be reviewed first. (Top 1000 placements.)


  • non spécifié(s)

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