

Fortnite | PC | Porto Rico

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The strongest desire or accomplishment we wish to achieve with Lost is to one day be a professional known Organization in the Gaming Community.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Hi, my name is Clipped and for a while now I've wanted to begin an esports organization. The name of the org. is "Lost" and I am looking to recruit some new players. In Lost, we support multiple games such as Call of Duty, Valorant, Fortnite, Rocket League, Halo Infinite, Rainbow Six Siege, and more. If you are looking to join the team but don't play any of the games mentioned above feel free to reach out to me and ask because like I said we do a lot of games. In Lost were not looking for the best players but players who like to have fun and enjoy what they're doing. So with that said, you don't have to be that good at video games to join the team, but you at least need to be average at the game and know what you are doing. That's our description for Lost so if anything I said interested you make sure to contact us and let us know if you want a chance at joining our org.


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