
Team Synn

Fortnite | PC | États-Unis

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Our dream, like any other team is to reach pro level, get a great group of players from each game to go in and win tourneys, to finding higher tier players to make a push for the pro-scene

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Welcome to Team Synn! A brand-new team that has established in 2022! we are a hard-working group that is always there to help and show others what they are struggling at and how to improve! With a great admin staff and the knowledge we hold, it would be a no-brainer to not join us! We are currently looking for Rocket League (Diamond1-SSL) Fortnite, and Valorant players! The more players we can get the better! It can help us from starting in small tourneys/money tourney to the one goal everyone has, and it's to make the pro scene. If you are an avid gamer who likes to have a fun time and compete at every level, come join Team Synn!


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