

Fortnite | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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The ambitions for ZXG include establishing a dynamic and competitive presence in the esports arena, aiming to become a powerhouse in the FPS gaming community. This entails fostering a robust roster of top-tier players, creating engaging content that resonates with gaming enthusiasts, expanding the league to host notable tournaments, and striving to leave a lasting mark in the world of esports. Moreover, the team aspires to build a strong community that celebrates gaming talent, content creation, and professional growth among its members, aiming to be a beacon of excellence and innovation in the gaming industry.

Experiences online

  • Find All Our Updates At ZonedOutGaming.com

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


ZXG, a reputable esports organization, seeks proficient FPS players. Our focus lies in nurturing a community of skilled competitors who excel in first-person shooter titles. As a part of our team, you'll engage in high-level competitive gaming while also contributing to content creation. Within our league, players have the opportunity to not only compete in esteemed tournaments but also actively participate in the organization and execution of these events. Join ZXG for an environment that values both gaming expertise and content creation, fostering a professional yet collaborative space for ambitious players.


  • Must be able to record/livestream with a stable connection


  • non spécifié(s)

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