

Fortnite | PC | États-Unis

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We are looking to create an Esports Organization, that is widely spread across the internet, and is well respected throughout the community.

Experiences online

  • Our Manager, owned and Created a Call Of Duty team, that won competed in Game Battles, aswell as Lan Tournaments such as MLG.

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hello everyone, I have created a new team with some friends called Amplify. We are looking for 3-4 players to complete our pro team. Not only are we going to try and accomplish a pro team to compete in scrims, gauntlets etc. But after we complete the first Comp team, we are going to work on a Content Creator team, as well as, a dedicated Console team. All of this is in the works, and we need your help to complete our first goal. A Fortnite Competitive team. If you are interested in the team, be sure to check out the video below, along with my discord, so you can contact me if you have any further questions, and or are interested in joining. All we request, is for you act Professional. If you guys do enjoy the video, if possible leave a like, and share to try and get the video hopefully noticed, and seen all around We are trying to make the team the best we can make it. We going to be trying to get this Team up and running, and become **** our Manager, having owned a decently sized Call of Duty clan, that competed at LANS, won Online Tourneys, and scrimmed, with people such as Nadeshot, we are experienced in this area. Thank You Guys, and Have a great day! ~Smashton (Leader of Amplify)

Twitter: ****
Youtube Channel: ****

Discord: ****


  • Take this Seriously, and Act Professional


  • non spécifié(s)

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