
SBSC Gaming

Fortnite | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

pas de recrutement en cours

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We hope to bring all players who work hard into the esports scene.

Experiences online

  • We're players of all levels

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


SBSC gaming is a Discord community that has privileges like a clan. Our goal is to connect gamers to each other. In SBSC, we will push you forward no matter how BIG or how LITTLE a gamer you are, skill level and age do not matter. To play for us in our name you do need to be 18+ other wise we will put you in programs to help improve your skills until you become 18.
We will be hosting in house tournaments, joining outside tournaments, and holding skill improvement camps online of course. In our in house tournaments we will host money prize events, only players inside the community can get the chance to earn. In outside tournaments, if you qualify and become one of our official players we will pay expenses at the price of 20% of your earning go back to us. Finally, in our Skill camps we will host competitive self improvement events to show what you need to work on and see how you have grown as a true player!
SBSC gaming does have streamer/content maker perks. If you meet our requirements then you can become announced in the community. Bots will put your new content all over our channels and get our members aware of your success. You wont be in every single chat when you post but you will be in the main ones.


  • Just go to our website and press join.


  • non spécifié(s)

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