
The Organization Drow

Guild Wars 2 | PC | États-Unis

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DROW is a adult hardcore PvX guild, located on Blackgate server. We focus on PvE, PvP, and WvW. We had a vision, an idea in mind when putting this guild together. Our vision is to create a guild where players can enjoy the game with other players in all aspects of the game, from slaying bosses in PvE to destroying the fields in PvP. We wanted create that guild where you can find new people to play and have fun enjoying the game. We also wanted to create a unique guild.

The creation of DROW. When we founded this guild back in GW1 days, we were thinking of from a player/member point of view. We were thinking as if we were the player looking for a guild, we wanted to make a guild for the player. We have a ranking system different from most guilds. We created a system called Guild Activity Points (GAP) when you do activities with the guild you get points. The points goes towards your rank, when you get enough points you rank up.


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