
Emerge eSports

Hearthstone | PC | Royaume-Uni

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We intend on starting small with only a few players over one or two games then growing into a large multigaming organization. With your help, we believe this is absolutely possible.

We want to start with mostly online tournaments and the occasional LAN tournament then when the time is right, we can't to take the competitive world by storm!

Get in touch if you're interested!

Experiences online

  • We have very little tournemant experience at the moment with only the founder having experiences online tournament play.

Experiences offline

  • We attended a few conventions and festivals in 2018, took a few wins from the smaller fifa and hearthstone tournaments but nothing from the bigger tournaments.


While we are currently recruiting an amateur team with no salary being paid to our team, anything you earn through online or LAN tournaments will be your money. Nothing from your prize money will go to the management team.

We are a fresh, new face to the eSports world and intend on working our way from the bottom to the top, the right way. We want to recruit players who have the drive and ambition to take their competitive gaming to the next level, hopefully helping them get to the point where they can support themselves with income from tournaments and various other income streams such as advertisements and merch stores.

If you feel like you're at a point in your life where you're ready to commit to becoming the best version of yourself, please get in touch and we will do all we can to support you in your journey while we all grow together.

Over the next few months we are having team shirts made (this will be completed when our logo is completed) Each player will get one shirt with their name on the back.

If you're already playing competitive online tournaments and wish to become part of the next big thing, please get in touch to discuss moving forward with us and we can work out all the fine details with you.


  • Have achieved Legend rank


  • Working closely with a few different cmopanies in the UK to secure some discount affiliate codes for the team to use.

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