
Fever Clan - Int'l Multigaming Community - HotS

Heroes of the Storm | PC | États-Unis

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Fever Clan - Int'l Multigaming Community - HotS logo
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to have fun, play games, and share in a positive environment based on mutual respect and mature gameplay

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Fever Clan is a multi-gaming clan for casual and competitive players alike. We strive to provide a fun and friendly atmosphere for all of our members.

We are one of the biggest clans with over 1,200+ active members. Our members play a wide variety of games (World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Call of Duty, Battlefield’s, Warframe, CS:GO, Evolve, Smite, ESO, DCUO, Rift, Minecraft, Rust, Path of Exile, consoles, and the list goes on).

Fever hosts a Discord server which can hold up to 500 people and usually has 100 - 150 people online nightly. FeverClan also has an extremely active forums (over 1,200+ active users) where members can talk with each other on just about anything.

The HotS division has a lot to offer members:
-Well over 75 active division members
-Weekly game nights
-Organized teams/squads
-Coaching services for new players

How to join: Potential members applying to Fever must be at least 15 years or older. You can become a member by registering, submitting an application, and then completing an interview on our Discord server. The interview is quick and nothing to worry about!

Register here: ****
Submit application: ****
Interviews: Conducted on our Discord - ****

When answering “How did you hear about Fever Clan:” on your application please remember to put the following:

Fever Member Referral
Referrer: Baum

Thank you for your time and I hope you choose to join the pandemic! If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them!

-|Fever| Baum


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