

League of Legends | PC | Malaisie

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We are currently recruiting high level gamers in League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter strike, Overwatch, and Valorant, to join our Entertainment & Media company. If you are a gamer who aspires to become a pro gamer, feel free to contact us. At Plynius Inc, we strive to build our own Game- Ecosystem alongside those who strives for nothing but the best.

Experiences online

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Plynius Inc. is a standard E-sport gaming company located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that offers gaming production, gaming services and generally everything in the e-sport industry. Plynius Inc.'s main products include Premium gaming hardware such as headsets, mouse, keyboard, etc. from collaborated distributors, E-Sports Stadium for games, Gaming Development. We also offer E-sports academy for enthusiasts who would like to become pro-level or working in the e-sports industry. We believe in building lifelong relationships, strategizing solutions for growth. With long-lasting, distinctive, and substantial solutions, we sustain to improve network and communication performance. We believe in performing the best and delivering maximum leverage to our customers and building a brighter future.


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