

League of Legends | PC | États-Unis

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Win Duo esports IBGCS and GPCS

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Below is the welcome message from our discord. Please join our discord and fill out one of the team applications

@everyone Hello and Welcome to Urgottem Esports. This is a rising amateur League of Legends organization committed to creating and managing competitive teams. Some info about our current goals and ventures: Urgottem Esports started as a single team competing in the ISBG league in DUO Esports. Urgottem Esports is now expanding to include a GPCS (gold-plat) team that will also be competing in DUO esports next season. If your new to this org <@!352065269218279427> will be able to answer any of your questions and help you get on the right track. For those of you trying out for a team check our <#768173151963709452> section. If you've already submitted the google form then you should be in consideration for a team/tryouts and more info will be forthecoming soon.

So how does this work? We will be creating two teams to compete in the next season of DUO Esports

This will include and IBSG (SIlver/Gold) and a GPCS Team (Gold/Plat).
To determine the strongest teams players will be prescreened based on rank and op.gg. If you feel your rank does not accurately reflect yourself as a player let us know and we will take that into consideration.

The major factor deciding who will make each team will be based on performance in tryouts which may consist of any of the following depending on the number of participants
1: Spectated 5 man Flex Q, in which Myself or a Coach or additional Adjudicator will spectate the game and be in VC to see how the team communicates
2: 5v5 custom inhouse (ideal) which would also be spectated and vc evaluated.
3: ADC and SUP may be asked to duo q (doesn't have to be ranked) in addition or instead of other tryout methods



  • For IBSG must be Gold 4-1, not have been plat last season
  • Have 100 games of ranked and be level 75
  • For GPCS should be gold 2- plat 1 cannot have been diamond last season


  • non spécifié(s)

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