
North Dakota Varsity Esports

League of Legends | MULTIPLATFORM | États-Unis

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Looking for a university that supports your personal interest in gaming?

University of North Dakota provides collaborative, competitive, and educational extracurricular video game activities and services for its students through North Dakota Varsity Esports.

Students participating in the North Dakota Varsity Esports rosters have involvement options from simply playing for fun with a group of fellow students to competing for victory in national tournaments, and everything in-between, while at UND!

We host rosters for Rocket League, League of Legends, Valorant, Rainbow 6 Siege, and much more!
Prior experience is not required to participate.

North Dakota Varsity Esports offers
Multiple roster levels that give any UND student the choice of how they participate.
Open tryouts, including in developmental, leadership, technical, and creative roles, at all times of the year!
Access to a dedicated esports lab with quality machines for practice, competitions, and other activities for varsity members.
A collaborative and academic environment brimming with opportunities to gain experience.
Staff and structures focused on providing flexible services and support to varsity students


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