

League of Legends | PC | Royaume-Uni

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Hello Brothers and Sisters. Im looking for mates to team-up in order to play in tournies such as clash and others. I dont care about you rank, you must have only two things in mind, the will to play the game seriously and a consistency about the training which will happen mostly in Fridays and in weekends when there arent any tournies to compete. For now we are one Jungler and one Support, so the roles which are open are Top, Mid and Adc. I understand that this game has a large community in which there are a lot of toxic people, so if you are one of them dont make an effort to answer this call... The most important thing of all this if we want to make it work is to find other players who ve the spirit to play the game in tryhard mode - AND FOR THAT REASON THE SCRIMS WILL HAPPEN MOSTLY IN FRIDAYS CAUSE WE UNDERSTAND HOW THE DRAINFUL THE GAME CAN BE WHEN ITS PLAYED LIKE THAT -. Im hoping that there are others out there who are thinking the same way and want to find a group in order to play the game THE WAY IT SHOULD BE PLAYED.


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