

League of Legends | PC | Hongrie

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As we are 'based in Hungary', I want to make the Hungarian Esport Scene make itself big, as we are lacking in any esport team, although our nation is full of esport loving people!

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We are a new team in the fields of Esport amateur scene. We are a hungarian team, although we are looking for anyone who is willing to throw himself into this adventure with us! We are looking to build up a stabil team, and after that, we will start competing in tournaments, even for money at some point, if we see improvment in the future. Our big dream is to compete in a national league, preferable in MNEB (Hungarian League of Legends League) and start to make a name for ourselves there! At first, we will be just a team hanging around, but with time, as you can read, we want to become a real deal within' the esport world. If you are willing to try yourself out with us, you are more then welcomed, if you meet the requirements to join our team. About contracts, we will see about them, and if we will be in competitions where money is on the line, and we are having good chances of earning them, contracts shall be on the desk instantly!


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