
Xtreme Games

League of Legends | PC | Norvège

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We are an organization that creates teams.
Also organized tournaments, and is helping people to reach their goals.
We offer to coach and train teams that show us their motivation.
Also, we are highly motivated in helping you reach your goals.

How do you join a team?
Joining a team in our org is kinda simple.
You basically join the discord and read the: applications chat.

What kind of teams do we have?
- We have casual teams, basically people that want to play for fun or/and want to learn the game.
And get better in the game.
- We have competitive teams, basically people that want to play on another level, tournaments, a great mindset, goals that they want to get to, and a higher skill level.
- Also we do offer academy teams, more info about that one in the discord.
(sorta #GoPro team)

About our org:
Our org was created this year made by experienced org owners.
We make teams for people that want to learn or have fun. Or both of course.
All the skill levels and all elos are welcome. You can join if your iron 4, but also if your grandmaster+
We do offer coaching and all that.
Wanna see a list of things we offer?

What do we offer?
- Coaching
- Training
- Team Management
- Recruitment
- Mature staff
- Amazing community
- Tournaments
- A lot of fun
- Events

How do I join?
Just join the discord!

See you soon!

Xtreme Gaming

Euw, Na


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Vous pouvez attendre la prochaine campagne de recrutement de cette équipe ou alors devenir premium afin de postuler en "liste d'attente". L'équipe sera alors notifiée de votre fort interêt pour la rejoindre.

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