
Marshalltown Community College Tigers

League of Legends | PC | États-Unis

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We are recruiting for the following titles:
Overwatch 2
Rocket League
Rainbow Six: Siege
League of Legends
Mario Kart 8 DX
Super Smash Bros: Ultimate

We are also looking for:
Data Analysts
Social Media Reps

Additionally, MCC is incredibly excited to offer students an associates degree as well as a diploma in “Esports Management!”

This is a 2-year program being crafted for students who want to develop specific skills in the world of esports that will lead to careers in coaching, broadcasting, marketing, streaming, and beyond! Courses include things like Esports Governance, Intro to Game Studies, Game Theory and much more. Courses are hands-on and students will build a portfolio of real-world experiences they can share with prospective employers.

MCC is also able to provide internships to send students out in the field to work with area schools and organizations in managing and coaching their esports programs. There are student intern coaching opportunities for the MCC esports team. We have both remote and local internships lined up through both our athletic team and academic program.

Athletic scholarships available!

Finally, if any of you are currently serving as esports coaches and are interested in furthering your education and becoming more knowledgeable as a coach or mentor to your students, consider this diploma / AAS for yourself as well. The entire program is offered online, so you can learn remotely at your own pace!


  • Full-Time Student, Enrolled at MCC


  • non spécifié(s)

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