
Praetor ESC

League of Legends | PC | Australie

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Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Praetor ESC is an up and coming Esports team based in Sydney, Australia, recruiting for a League of legends squad. We want to make a mark on the esports industry and put OCE on the Map as a competitive team. what we can offer players is the chance to push themselves to the next level and turn your hobby into a professional career. Players will be offered a Generous salary if successful and prize winnings.

Built to recruit skilled players and train amateurs with a passion to advance into the best global Esports team (OCE). With the guidance of the managers, we will see it to that every player will get the attention and guidance to excel in becoming the best competitive player/gamer. Praetor aims to spread the knowledge and skills in helping you to compete as part of a team and see that your contribution will make a difference for your generation and future generations to come.


  • Diamond II or higher


  • non spécifié(s)

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