
Obscene Esports

League of Legends | PC | Royaume-Uni

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To make a functioning team, and take it to different tournaments, mainly online, possibly LAN events in the future.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Obscene Esports is a team im throwing together to tackle the esports world, and possibly climb the ladders for multiple different tournaments. To begin with i want to focus on collecting a roster of players, preferably 2 for each role. This helps to keep our roster versatile and have a sub at hand for each role in the event that a player cannot participate due to unforeseen circumstances. To begin with the team will do teambuilding exercises and synergy training, from there it will escalate into ranked flex, and 5 man teamplay to practice for leagues etc. Looking for people who aren't going to get toxic, and will get along with others unconditionally. Gold 1 + is the bar for entry, others can apply, but there is no guarantee you will be accepted, link your op.gg orleague of graphs in your application if you believe you are a good asset, and below gold 1! We look forward to seeing our new players.


  • Gold 1+
  • No toxicity
  • Fluent english


  • non spécifié(s)

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