

League of Legends | PC | Royaume-Uni

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Hello, my name is Lego, I’m currently one of the League of Legends staff for BSB Network. Our group has a vast game base and rely solely on maturity and all round teamwork. BSB has members from all over the world but currently we are searching for league players located within the EUW server base because of our location, eventually we may expand to EUE, NA, Brazil, Turkey, Oceana and Russia but for now we are focussing on our home area. As the world championships are afoot, getting in now is most crucial as the ranks will soon be reset!

Who are we?
BSB Network is primarily a stable community of adult social gamers that was established in 2002. Our aim is to provide a friendly and stable community for fair gamers, to socialise and game together! We have no silly rules or requirements to be part of our community such as attendances, activity or even skill levels, all we ask is for fair play, a friendly attitude and a bit of common sense! Basically we're looking for other grown up/mature players who like a bit of banter and a bit of good craic as they game!

What do we offer?
For League of Legends, we offer a crew of around 6 or so active regular members (so far) who play a decent game and will be looking to assert ourselves in-game. We also like to do a lot of Duo Q, aswell as Ranked, but also like to have a good mess around and having a laugh. We're a tight team and expect new members to play as part of a team - cooperating and playing for the good of the group.
We are a genuine community of decent people, I know every other recruitment post you see these days says "community this", "multi-game that" but the top and bottom of it is we ARE genuine multi-game community that has been gaming as such for a very long time successfully now. We put our focus on our members, rather than simply supporting specific games and putting all our focus on that/those games. Our primary interest is purely good games with mates. Therefore our game support is based on dynamic game support campaigns that follow our core members' gaming trends, which means we can successfully support several popular games actively and successfully.

So when we are looking for new members, we're looking for players who are interested in jointing our group of players, NOT just players to play as part of our League (or what ever game) team. This is an important factor to consider if you are looking to join us. Other game campaigns we currently have active include DayZ (Mod/SA), War Thunder, World of Tanks, ARMA 3/2 and Star Citizen. There are many other free/popular games that get cycled on our twice-monthly gaming events too, designed to get members playing games together too!
Outside of the games themselves, other benefits of being part of our clan include;
Stability - We've been around for more than 12 years now so we're not going anywhere! Activity - Our community is very active and friendly with members from all over the the UK, EU and even the world!
Experience - We've supported many different games and types within our time! Maturity - Our community and clan administrators are all adult gamers - so no spoilt brat-mins!
Interactive modern website that is ranked as Enjin's #1 EU clan website! Teamspeak 3 server for use when playing any game.
True multi-game support - for when you fancy playing a different game with your mates! Membership classes, activity based Crews and awards to decorate and reward activity and achievements through membership
Regular events and tournaments on various games Regular meet up events - airsoft, paintball, BBQ's and pi$$ups are regular features!
* Much much more!

What do we expect?
To be fair if you're still reading this long post, chances are you're the type of gamer we're looking for and who would fit in well with us. All we ask is members of our community obey a few common sense conduct rules - nothing out of the ordinary or beyond decent folk. We have no strict policies on skill or activity - our members are all adults with work, study and/or family commitments and the whole point of the community is to relax and enjoy socialising with other like-minded gamers. The community is there for when you need it so it's up to you how involved you want to be.
How to join
To get involved with our games and community is easy, just join our Teamspeak3 server when you're looking for a game and join the action! There's no obligation to even join our clan, everyone is welcome to play with us. It's a good idea to join our steam group too to see when and what everyone else is playing! (details below).
If you ARE interested in becoming an Affiliated member of BSB Network, then all need to register at our website and submit the Affiliation form (JOIN US page)!

Website: ****
Teamspeak 3: bsbnetwork.enjinvoice.com

Also, please copy, paste and fill in this in on our Introduction thread alongside a little about who you are so we have a better general idea of who you are as a player. We don’t aim to be the best, we aim to bring out the best person you can be.

Recruiter: [BSB] TheRealLegohead
Rank This Season:
Rank Last Season:
Role Desired:
Main Champions:
Pool of champions:
Time Zone:
Why are you looking for a team?:
Interested in online tournament:
Any Questions that you have:


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