
Taken Gaming

League of Legends | PC | États-Unis

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To become a serious, well functioning, team that is active and does not slip up in terms of number of players. We will always have active players, inactive players will be removed.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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Hi! I am dimp, a G5 ADC main. I have been trying to join a team recently and have gotten fed up with the lack of structure some "serious" teams have. Therefore, I decided to give it a go myself. I founded Taken Gaming, two sister teams that let Gold-Diamond players be in a structured, professional atmosphere in order to improve.

I will be holding tryouts for all roles, and coaching roles, in the coming days/ weeks, and plan to have two full rosters that can start playing Ranked 5s, and eventually tournaments and scrims against each other! Practices will be everyday, or close to it, and you will be expected to either be available or give myself or a coach a heads up in advance. Taken Gaming will not flop. Any inactive members will be dropped, and new players will be added. This being said, if you do not make it after a tryout, you are still in the running if somebody starts to under-perform or becomes unavailable to play.

I am excited to begin this team and will need a lot of help to get it started. You can apply by filling out this form (****), or if you are interested in helping in a way that is not a direct role in the team, message me on the boards or in game. Best of luck to those who attempt to try out, and I hope to talk to you soon!


  • Gold - Diamond


  • non spécifié(s)

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