
Tactical gaming comunity

League of Legends | PC | Royaume-Uni

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Tactical gaming comunity logo
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Why TG?
And why should you choose us? Why would you join our community to meet the players you are looking for?
Because we think that there should be a community that has something for everyone, we believe that every gamer should be able to have a good time and have the chance to play with other likeminded gamers.

How do we do it in TG?
We make sure everyone respects each other and has a great time, for this we have some great staff members which have been specially selected from our member base to guide our members and stand up for each individual, this makes for a constructed community with almost no fights, arguments, misunderstandings or anything likewise.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

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So what do we exactly offer in TG?
In America and Europe we offer a squad based system with 7 members per squad of which 2 are leading positions, these leaders make sure the rest of their squad has a good time and everything runs smoothly, we also have 2 set practice times: Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 GMT until 9:00 GMT, these set practice dates make for a more stable experience and makes sure you don’t have to wait around for hours to finally gather enough people to play with, it also helps you to reflect on the games you played and to establish a certain role you play in your squad.

Any questions?
No problem :) just ask it here or ask me in game (I am based in EUW) and I’ll gladly answer all your questions.

Head Quarters: ****

About us: ****

Why TG?: ****

If you register, please reply here stating you have done so.


  • How to sign up? To Sign up for our community you have to have a working microphone and be 16+, please visit our headquarters (link below) you’ll have to sign up to league of legends division, don’t forget to sign up with your in-game name.


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