
Eternal Flame Esports

League of Legends | PC | États-Unis

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Eternal Flame Esports is an up-and-coming esports organization looking to establish a top-tier competitive LoL team. We are looking for passionate, and dedicated individuals to help us reach our goal of entering the LCS through the NA Challenger series via the Open Qualifier process. For more information about us, see our website here: ****

As we are intending to build a top tier team, we are typically looking for at least high diamond elo players.

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Eternal Flame E-sports is dedicated to developing competitive e-sports teams capable of dominating at the highest levels of play. We are guided by our desire to always improve, a dedication and desire that is never satisfied, like that of an Eternal Flame! This passion is ever burning, and is what motivates us to become the best in all that we do.


Passion - Our thirst for perfection and growth can never be quenched
Competition - To grow and improve we tests ourselves against the best of the best
Growth - A flame is never stagnant, and neither are we in our efforts to better ourselves
Honor - We hold ourselves to the highest standards of character, both in victory and defeat
Dedication - The fire inside us is all consuming, pushing us to our limits to go above and beyond


  • dedicated
  • can commit to a rigorous practice schedule
  • Can accept constructive critisism
  • Work effectively in a ranked 5s team setting


  • non spécifié(s)

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