
Deyvil Academy

League of Legends | PC | États-Unis

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Deyvil Academy is an organization forming that will participate in multiple tournaments throughout season 7, and also prepare for the upcoming season 8. We will be focusing on teamwork, and building a comfortable atmosphere for everyone so it is never a burden for all five to be on. This will also be a challenging, and competitive team. Here is what you can expect.

1) 3 COMFORTABLE scrims days
- At the minimum of 3 starters in the game at one time, so the 3-4 starters in the then played scrim can fill in
the fifth starter what all happened and what needs to be focused on for the upcoming games.
- Both a communication / gameplay review carried out through a previously challenger/master ADC (fake
carry), where we will go over what went wrong in the draft, communication, and strategic levels.

2) Five Full Time Starter Positions / [5-6] Sub Positions
- As previously stated 3 starters at the minimum will be within the scrim, obviously we can play normals
together if teammaates would like to relax and play with more sub positions.

3) A Deep Drive for getting better and also understanding how to do just that!

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences



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