
Digital Warfare - League of Legends

League of Legends | PC | EZ

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After the success of our EUW Pro team at LAN (iSeries) in Spring 2017 for League of Legends, placing 2nd in the pro tournament and playing the final on stage with thousands of people watching (live audience and online on Twitch), Digital Warfare have acquired a real drive to compete at the highest level in LoL. Our more competitive teams frequently compete in tournaments online for experience and prizes, in the build up to high profile events. It is our aim to develop teams with loyalty and dedication as their core values.

Experiences online

  • Multiple ESL & Battlefy tournaments

Experiences offline

  • Insomnia Series LAN events


Proudly, our community recruits members of all ranks in all games, with our approach to LoL following this same rule. From Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master and Challenger, we recognise that an individual's talents and personality are not dictated by a rank.  You may be gifted with in-game mechanics, post-game analytical skills, organising community events, and so on. Or perhaps you're just looking for a good laugh in playing with a friendly collection of people. D-War offers both opportunities. We understand that everyone benefits from a diverse community, towards which everyone contributes. League of Legends is currently the main focus for our E-sports aspirations, as this is where the majority of our experiences lie. Whether you're new to LoL (desiring a supportive, fun community), or an experienced and skilled player (aiming for a casual or a professional gaming team), we are interested in you, believing you can add value to Digital Warfare and that we can provide with you with the platform to improve and succeed in E-sports.


  • Ranks Silver+ in SoloQ


  • non spécifié(s)

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