
Unnamed Women's Team

League of Legends | PC | Allemagne

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[EUW] LF female Mid, Top, Jgl for Women's Team (ger/engl)

We are looking for like-minded, passionate players to form a respectable Women's Team to play in Tournaments and achieve high aims.

Your qualities
Your Elo is rather unimportant, but you should at least have hit Platinum (unboosted and not as an OTP) and shouldn't aim for less than mid Dia in S8.
What matters to us is your mentality.
We are looking for exceptional players that are led by a drive to exceed their own expectation and strive for perfection. Therefore you should be very competitive and a huge tryhard. Giving up is not an option.
Good Teamplay is dependent on good mood. That is why you should be able to keep a cool head and motivation up as well.

What is unwanted and will not be tolerated is boosting, gossip, drama, attention seeking, bitching, being fake, flaking out, toxic behaviour and such.
Teammates should be able to rely on each other. This cannot be dirtied by such unwanted features. A responsible, honest, good-natured interaction is needed not only ingame, but overall.

You should not only bring plenty of time in the evenings (ger UTC+01:00), but be able to commit to a schedule. Being dependable and keeping appointments is vital.

Coaching will be arranged, when our roster is definite. It will primarily cover team improvement and **** coaches job is to harshly criticize and correct us and show us how to advance. Praising and applauding would not bring us far, so you need to be able to appreciate criticism.
It is your duty to learn and improve individually, but in mutual understanding teammates will look out for each other. If required, personal coaching will be provided.

If you are interested to join, please, add marytheflo and introduce yourself!
We are really excited to meet you. :)


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