
Visceral Gaming

League of Legends | PC | États-Unis

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Hey guys!

This is an introduction to Visceral Gaming, a newly founded eSports **** organization's leaders consist of myself and Tur. My IGN is Santoro. I'm a 7 year running League of Legends player, currently in Diamond.
Our second leader goes by Tur. He is a CS:GO player, and handles anything CS **** top of that, he is a video editor/filmmaker.
Our current goal? To create a Chicago team from the ground up. Currently, there are no eSports teams that have been bred the way we are going to try and do. All of them have consisted of players recruited from across the globe. We want to make a Chicago specific team. Build up from there. This would make things really easy when it comes to going to tournaments, LANs, or even just meeting up to collaborate with each other. We feel that these are really important aspects for the team.
We have a plan and a will.
Anybody in the Chicago area who is interested can just shoot us a DM and we will get right to talking.
It all starts here.


  • Must live in or near Chicago
  • Plat 2+ for League of Legends players
  • Have a good mindset (no toxic players)


  • non spécifié(s)

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