
Belgium Gaming House

League of Legends | PC | Belgique

pas de recrutement en cours

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Belgium Gaming House logo
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offre de recrutement
Pas d'évaluations


The main goal of this team would be to be part of the next year's Proximus e sport competition and even more

Experiences online

  • Pas encore d'experiences

Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Hey all,
First and foremost we wish you good luck in summoner's rift.
We are a League of Legends structure and our goal is to be able to get in a gaming house in January 2019.
Our team isn't necessarily high elo and that's not what matters the most to us, what matters most is the fact you are willing to improve and get better at the game with the 4 other **** "only" thing we need from you if you're interested in this is to be ambitious, motivated, interested and got some money saved up to hold up a year if needed. This would not only be a gaming house, the players would be a family.
Language wise it would be ideal to speak French (the location of the gaming house would be in Belgium) but English can work too with some practice.
To resume it all we need diamond+ adc/jungle/mid to join our gaming house in Belgium for a stay for 1 year at least (with some money saved up to live for that time without getting paid if needed)
The main goal of this team would be to be part of the next year's Proximus e sport competition and even more


  • Diamond
  • Gaming House
  • Jungler
  • Adc
  • Mid


  • non spécifié(s)

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