
Jurassic Giants

League of Legends | PC | Royaume-Uni

pas de recrutement en cours

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offre de recrutement
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online tournaments
online scrims
go to lans in the future
become a well renowned organization

Experiences online

  • ROE partaking in a charity event for the barbera bush childrens hospital
  • FIFA team coming 5th in the VPL in our first ever season
  • rocket league persistently winning tourniments

Experiences offline

  • plans to have a JG meet and greet/holiday in june of 2020


hello there my name is Peahead and i am the Owner of Jurassic Giants Esports

we are currently recruiting a new LOL team with hopes of competing in tournaments and eventually going to lan events

we are a friendly community with a competitive nature and look to support and build the growth of the individual player , the teams and the org as a whole and would love for you to come and give us a try and get to no our current teams we have there in our make your self at home dynamic

we are currently in need of a full team including a captain which role's include writing weekly reports, managing recruitment for the team and organising online tournaments and scrims

our only request is that you are over 18 , live in the united kingdom and that you are gold 2 or higher

so in summery if you think that Jurassic Giants have a place for you in our LOL team please come join our discord linked bellow
and please dm an admin letting them no you are there for the LOL team / captain role

i hope to see you all there and wish you all the best


  • 18+
  • from the united kingdom
  • gold 2 or higher


  • Rouge energy
  • Fatal Grips

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