
Ominous Esports

League of Legends | PC | États-Unis

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Improving at League of Legends

Experiences online

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We are an amateur competitive League of Legends team that plays at least 3 times a week (if not more). We do clash tournaments every time there is one and we are entering an organized competitive league where you play a single or double round robin ($150 dollar prize pool). Our schedule is very flexible but we try to scrim at least 3 times a week and we do team VOD reviews and grind solo queue on off days. We are looking for a jungler who is team focused and willing to grow as a player, as well as a jungler that has an adaptable champion pool (mainly supportive and gank heavy junglers). The team environment is pretty chill, we're mainly focused on improving alongside each other and doing the best we can to win tournaments.

If interested, please reply on this website or message me on the League of Legends client (my in-game name is "Lëgit").


  • Mains Jungle


  • non spécifié(s)

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