

LoL Wild Rift | PC | Pays-Bas

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Riding the solo qeue feels like a long ride. I am an experienced mid laner. I feel confident in my role and am interested in improving BUT the time has come to search for a team. Or rather create one. Because the solo queu is getting on my nerves which shouldn't destroy such a beautiful game. Please make sure that if you respond you know how to do your role well.

By the way. My rank is very low but this is only because I refuse to play this way. Solo qeue is a terrible grind to me. I rather work on perfecting my skills with a team so we can learn together. Rather then be thrown in a mix.


  • Exeprience with your role
  • Flexible with times. We are not hardcore (yet) but we need investment. But also no huge obligations. Just make sure you are available for plans. We will be flexible in the beginning stages.
  • Have the desire to learn. Improve as a team. Change roles where needed. Learn new heros. Be a driven force together so we can perfect our play.


  • non spécifié(s)

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