

Minecraft | PC | France

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Magestia is a MMO survival civilisation builder with an emphasis on freedom, which intend to give players as much possibilities to evolve and become whoever they choose to be. The world is set in a fictional medieval fantasy world, where magic is very powerful and monsters are terrifying.

List of planned features:

-Total freedom of your actions
-100% player made economy
-Unique and revolutionary crafting system
-Skill based actions for crafting, fighting, surviving etc.
-Complex and deep Magic system, with hundreds of spells.
-Thousands of items to craft, from weapons to utilities, you will always have something to make.
-Unique and scary monsters that you can create or even control.
-Vehicle system to move catapults, cannons, chariots etc.
-Surviving methods made to be interesting for both survival and non survival type of players.
-Complex food mechanic, and cooking.
-Become who you want to be, create your own job. Or maybe become a ruler, and dominate the world or become a farmer who feeds the entire village, it's up to you.
-And many more features will be added to the list.

So how would you approach this new world, would you be a solitary player, or will you gather your friends, and become a powerful ruler. It's all up to you, and them. Live in this dynamic world where every of your actions really count and have consequences that will be answered.


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