
Aleria Build Team

Minecraft | PC | États-Unis

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Our Ambition is to create a Immersive role play community based around Minecraft but for that we need to build a world, that is what I am looking for here.

Experiences online

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Experiences offline

  • Pas encore d'experiences


Aleria, is a high fantasy style roleplaying server; we have been working for approximately four months, and are looking to hire additional builders. Where lore has been progressing, we have not had the required number of builders to be able to create the world thus far only spoken of in the lore that has been written. Some of our most immediate concerns, rest with cities for the four races (which most will know, are elves, dwarves, orcs, and humans) cities, roads to connect these four, and other important lore items such as builds based around the clericism that exists on the server(so, churches, chapels, old religious ruins and sites), large machines based around crystals left by an ancient race(very mysterious, coming in a multitude of odd looking configurations), and ruins of all shapes and sizes.

The Build Team uses the Resource Pack ‘Conquest’ and use MetaData’s, You need to have either Optifine or MCPatcher to be able to use/see MetaData’s

MC Name:
Past Builds:
Skype(should be PM’ed at least):

Thank you for applying, I shall reply when I have the chance.


  • Semi Decent Builder


  • non spécifié(s)

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